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NaCCRA Forum: Assisted Living & Skilled Nursing

medical care off hours
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At night there is an RN on duly in the skilled nursing unit who is on call to all residents. If someone has a concern they simply contact the front desk concierge who contacts the nurse who responds to the need. The option to call 911 in case of dire emergency is encouraged.

And what happens at night in the healthcare area(s)? Is there a RN to assess or do they rely on LPNs and a MD or NP on the end of a phone line?


We live at Goodwin House in Northern VA. There are two internists who see residents. It is your choice to see one of them or maintain your own private doctor. One is in her own practice and will do video visits in emergencies. She also comes to the facility as needed for individuals who need care. The other is a part of a local hospital physician's group. The physician is on site several days a week. There are Nurse Practitioners who are part of the practice as well. We are able to reach out for service almost any time. Our facility also has another Nurse Practitioner and several RN who are on duty 6 days a week mostly daytime hours to provide care for Independent Living residents. In hours that are not served by them we are encouraged to reach out to the charge nurse in our Skilled Care unit for assessment and advice. In dire emergency we are encouraged to call 911.

Mar_T Ahrens

Does any organization provide medical coverage - either on call who comes in or in the facility - for off hours? We have a medical arrangement with a local medical center but his primary objective is educating students, medical residents, fellows and his hours are limited to cover ccrc residents.

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